I could write a separate article on each of these, but for now I just want to give you a list of 17 ways to increase your business profitability this year.
1. Raise Your Prices.
2. Offer Additional Services.
3. Offer Additional Products
4. Reduce the Number of Products and/or Services you sell.
5. Develop a Marketing Plan That Makes Sense.
6. Promote Employees To The Level Of Their Competency.
7. Train, Move, or Fire Employees That Are Hurting Your Company.
8. Get Out Of Your Business and Into Your Community More.
9. Spend More Time In Your Business.
10. Ask For Help.
11. Help Others.
12. Empower Your Employees To Take Care Of Customers.
13. Don’t Fall For Advertising Gimmicks to Build Your Business.
14. Be Willing to Try Something Different.
15. Be Honest and Truthful
16. Provide Value
17. Ask Happy Customers to Tell Others About You.
Now you can apply all of these, or some of these, it’s up to you. Some may sound like they are opposites, but they really aren’t.
All of these tidbits (and others) are what I have told other business owners in the past 6 months and I’ll gladly sit down with you to explore what will work for you. Contact me.