I wrote these words on Wednesday night, the first of July but saved them for the weekend.
We have wrapped up 6 months of 2015 with less than 6 months until 2016 and all around me the world is changing.
I’m not talking about the political world, cultural world or any of those things that we are all exposed to.
I’m thinking about the lives of friends and family. Changes that were not expected when we welcomed the New Year, 6 short months ago.
Due to the connected world we live in with the internet, there are relatives that I have not seen in ages that I’ve reconnected with. And some of them have had some tremendous changes.
On my Mom’s side of the family is her older brother, my Uncle Bill. He is the only living Uncle I have left. 5 months ago my cousin Susan’s life ended due to cancer. Shortly after, it was discovered that Aunt Maria also had cancer and soon she was gone too. Susan left behind a husband and two adult kids. Uncle Bill and Aunt Maria also have two other daughters Julie and Karla who with their husbands are missing the ability to talk to their Mom or sister.
My wife Kathy and I were both married previously and had our kids with our 1st spouses. This spring we got word that Kathy’s first husband died suddenly. Dwight and I became friends when Kathy and I were dating. His funeral was the last one I’ve been to. My step-kids, Ian and Abby lost their dad this spring.
In the past few days another cousin, Brenda from my Dad’s side of the family buried her oldest son, Sam. Brenda is married to a Scott and they have another son Ben too. She has gone thru the cancer journey herself and is doing well on that front. What struck me when I heard the news from Brenda of her son’s passing was an incident that occurred in the 1970’s.
Brenda had a brother Steve who died in a car accident. The funeral for Steve was the first funeral I attended and about might be one of the last times I saw her face to face even though I saw her parents a few times later in life.
One more passing of note. We have a couple of good friends, Bob & Sherrie. I’ve known them for 15 years because they were my wife’s friends. Sherrie and my wife have known each other since college days. They had to put their dog down this past week. As many of us who have pets, they become a part of the family too. And when their lives end, we grieve.
While all of this sounds like a list of losses, and it is for those who are missing their loved ones, their are other changes that we were not expecting including my son and his wife starting a new chapter in South Carolina with a wonderful career opportunity for her and lots of promising employment opportunities for Josh and what looks like a fantastic place to live. That was May.
A month later, we are saying good bye for now to my daughter Rachael and her husband and two little ones. They too are starting a new chapter in a beautiful part of the country in the opposite direction, Colorado.
There are other family members who are in the midst of changes too and we keep each and every one in our hearts, minds and prayers.
Thank goodness for free long distance, the connectivity of social media and the internet to help us communicate over the miles.
This weekend, the 4th of July weekend, the weekend we as a country celebrate and the founding of the United States back in 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence from England, this is a weekend that is also filled with lots and lots of reflections as people all around you are adjusting to what ever changes have taken place in their lives this year.
May you cherish the relationships and celebrate safely as we move forward with the next 6 months of 2015.