It used to be that people were either labeled “close minded” or “open minded”. Then as technology began evolving faster and faster, people were labeled by their adoption tendencies.
Those who jumped on board before everyone else was an “early adopter”, followed by the “mainstream” and “late adopters”. There are still some that are completely “close minded”, too.
In Fort Wayne, I was one of the early adopters to join Twitter. I was mainstream when it came to smartphones and still don’t have a tablet. My ultrabook laptop serves me fine, thank you.
In the marketing world, there is old traditional media like newspapers, magazines, television, radio, direct mail and billboards. There is also the web which used to be called new media. But because the web has been around publicly for 20+ years (Windows 95) and Facebook has had their 10 year anniversary, it’s not really new.
Sure there are plenty of new web platforms, some of which will live while others die a slow death, but the entire concept of using the web as a marketing vehicle is still seeing resistance from those who did not grow up with the internet.
So back to my question, Are You Open To New Ideas?
If you don’t have a website for your business, then you are not.
If you haven’t updated your website in the past 2 years, you may not be open to new ideas.
If you fall into either of those two categories, we need to talk. Just because you are not gung-ho on the web stuff, doesn’t mean you should ignore it. I know 60, 70 and 80 year olds who are web savvy and if you are not there, you don’t exists to them.
You don’t have to stop your other advertising methods completely, Many are still valuable. But let’s figure out the best way to combine the new and old. Contact me.