Welcome to the most stressful time of the year.
It really shouldn’t be, but for many it is.
We have lots of things to do and less time to do them.
This month for example, I averaged 4 work days instead of the usual 5 each week due to special training events, a vacation day and of course Turkey Day.
So what’s the answer?
Stop saying yes to everything and everyone.
Start saying no.
If it means less traveling to see family right now, it’s okay. We don’t need a holiday to tell us to connect with loved ones. We can do it in person anytime of the year. Just plan on it. And instead of driving or flying here and there, try a Google Hangout or Skype. Maybe even just a simple phone call to connect.
By saying no to a hundred things pulling you in multiple directions, say yes to the ones that are most important.