31 years ago, my oldest daughter Rachael was born.
About a dozen days ago she and her husband welcomed their 2nd child into this world.
While my first 31 years were very different from Rachael’s, her two kids first 31 years are going to be filled with even more changes than any of us can imagine.
If you are still doing things the way you always have, technology wise, and you’re my age:
- You are still using a rotary (dial) phone with a cord that hangs on the wall in the kitchen
- You watch 3 channels, ABC, CBS, NBC, or 4 if you add PBS on TV.
- You drink your soft drink out of a glass returnable bottle.
If you are Rachael’s age:
- All of your music comes from C.D.’s or the radio
- You have to buy film for your camera and take it somewhere to get it developed where you wait for the prints to see if they came out.
- You can’t even read this because you don’t a computer of any type, let alone a smartphone or tablet to access the internet.
Obviously neither of us are stuck in the past, and beware of those who are.
Happy Birthday Rachael and welcome to the future everyone.