From a conversation on Facebook:

I did a presentation a few years ago at Huntington University about branding etc…. I recall one point was social media gave everyone a voice.  Years ago you had to call in to a radio show, or write a letter to the editor and perhaps they would let you on or publish your letter.  Now everyone has a soap box and can proclaim to anyone who will listen how stupid or smart they are.  Welcome to the world of Social Media.

Yes, it’s true.

You and I have a voice that we can amplify on various social media platforms.  All it takes is an internet connection and a few minutes a day.

Some wish to post pictures of their cats or their lunch while others remain silent.  There’s no right or wrong, but there are consequences of what you do or don’t do.

My advice is simple.

Be a grown up.  Be respectful.  Be genuine.  Be yourself…the same self that you would be if we were face to face.