A few years ago when I started on the WOWO radio advertising sales team and I was sharing information about the WOWO listeners, I kept running into women who would say, “I’m a little unusual because I listen to WOWO.”
I pointed out to them that they were in good company. Look at these numbers from our last rating survey:
Total Weekly WOWO Listeners age 12+: 107,000
Total Weekly WOWO Female Listeners age 12+: 44,000
Total Weekly Female Listeners age 45+: 34,000
That last number is important. Baby Boomer Women are the ones that have the buying power that most businesses want. Of all the radio stations in Fort Wayne, Indiana, WOWO has more than any other station by at least 10,000.
Last month Mediapost shared an article, How To Connect With Baby Boomer Women and I’m sharing the highlights because these are the Women of WOWO that I can help you reach.
1. If she feels your authenticity, that you have really listened to her and you genuinely care, she will reward you.
2. They love products that make them feel more creative and helps them connect to their friends and family.
3. If you are looking for better-educated women with more discretionary income, you will find her online. She is not just a passive observer; she is quickly adopting the internet usage patterns of younger generations and posting content herself.
4. She is free to choose the “best of” from all stages of her life, as well as incorporating new products, services and behaviors.
5. Marketers in search of aspirational messaging are advised to look higher up Maslow’s pyramid toward new levels of simplicity and altruism and away from icons drawn from the assumption that she spends money only to gain the approval of others.
6. Boomer women are more than six times as likely to make purchase decisions based upon their personal values.
7. Perceptive marketers recognize that the Boomer woman knows she has entered and is transiting through a new lifestage and will reward them for recognizing her special needs and interests.8. Market to her through women like her. Keep in mind that women want to know that the person offering advice or inspiration is someone from both the gender and lifestage that has personally advanced through the same lifestages and transitions.
9. She doesn’t aspire to be ignored. They don’t like ads that never feature women 50+.
10. Show her respect by providing her the facts. A product example is Olay anti-aging products. Olay used an abundance of useful information and straightforward facts about their products with extensive reviews and ratings from other women rather than clever imagery.
That’s just the first 10. Mediapost shared a follow up article this month that I’ll share the next time.