It's back. TEDx Fort Wayne returns after a year hiatus. Right now they are looking for you. The call for speakers ends at the end of this month. That is Saturday. Go here today and discover how you can qualify and submit to be one of the chosen speakers for 2015. 2...
Talking TED
Got kids? Grandkids? Watch this handpicked TED Talk:
Talking TED
From the TED 2001 archives, John Wooden:
Talking TED
A wake up call for those thinking about joining the work force from Larry Smith:
Talking TED
Our weekly adventure in exploring TED Talks continues this week with Dave Meslin and apathy.
Talking TED
Get ready for Stacey Kramer's 3 minute TED talk and then share it with others.
Talking TED
Life is getting busy and TED talks, even though they are less than a half hour, may be too long to watch. No problem. How about 3 minutes? Matt Cutts is an engineer at Google at talks about the power of 30:
Talking TED
Today we look at some predictions for the future, from the past, for today. From 1984, Nicholas Negroponte:
Talking TED
This week we are reaching the end of the TED playlist New to TED. We will continue for at least the rest of 2014 with another TED Talk each week. Why? It's a commitment I made to myself a couple months ago. My wife and I were looking for something different to do on a...